Current Issue

Vol. 8 No. 3 (2023)

Front Cover: Safaritravelplus - Creative Commons CC0 1.0 sourced from


Published: 2023-07-31

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  • Evaluation of plasma corticosteroids associated with performance-based activity in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)
    Don R Bergfelt, Sydney Davis, Anne Conan, Michelle Martinez, Rocio Canales, Roberto Sanchez-Okrucky
  • Retrospective review of causes of mortality in captive springboks (Antidorcas marsupialis) at the Réserve Africaine de Sigean, France from 1990 to 2015
    Benjamin Lamglait
  • Status of animal welfare research in zoos and aquariums: Where are we, where to next?
    Sally Binding, Holly Farmer, Laura Krusin, Katherine Cronin
  • A comparative study of nightly allonursing behaviour in four zoo-housed groups of giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis)
    Franziska Zoelzer, Caroline Engel, Dierkes Paul W., Burger Anna Lena
  • Reproductive cycle and pregnancy monitoring in the common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) through salivary steroid analyses and trans-abdominal ultrasonography.
    Jessye Wojtusik, Isabelle M.C. Brandicourt, Wendy Rice, Terri L. Roth
  • The influence of animal welfare accreditation programmes on zoo visitor perceptions of the welfare of zoo animals
    一键清理10G垃圾,网盘VIP功能免费用,太强了_北方号 ...:2021-3-12 · 原标题:一键清理10G垃圾,网盘VIP功能免费用,太强了小伙伴会不会很疑惑,手机的存储空间怎么越用越少了?刚刚下载的文件放去哪了?存储空间越来越多无用的缩略图和冗余文件,怎么无痛清理?这样的问题在安卓手机上尤为常见,安卓的文件存放管理一直都很宽松。
  • 2021首届全球百强科创大赛北京赛区复赛 暨北京数字经济 ...:2021-12-20 · 来源标题:2021首届全球百强科创大赛北京赛区复赛 暨北京数字经济产业投资论坛即将开启 2021年“首届全球百强科创大赛”伍“全球联动、聚焦前沿、百强投资、聚焦转化”为主题,重点聚焦人工智能与信息、生命科学与健康、新能源与新材料、文创与影视电竞等四大领域。
    Taylor G. Donaldson, Adam Eyres, Holly Haefele, Jane M. Packard, Kelley Snodgrass, Drew A. White, D. Abe Woodard

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  • Use of a ‘Creep’: Zoo Animal Management to Encourage Reproductive Behaviours in Captive Bornean Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus)
    Christian Paul Howell, Simon Childs
  • 科技大事件:《权力的游戏》4月11日在Sling TV首播_科技大 ...:互联网电视服务Sling TV将于4月11日播放HBO电视网的“权力的游戏”。与HBO在苹果设备上推出的独立服务HBO Now(订阅需要每月15美元)不同,Sling TV上的 ...
    Beth Geraldene
  • Introducing three new males into a captive lion-tailed macaque (Macaca silenus) group
    弹窗广告非法产业链:五千块买百万曝光 广告商不怕被告 ...:2021-12-8 · 推销人员称:投放方式有运营商弹窗广告,还有安卓手机流量弹 窗。我5000元钱100万次曝光,价格都是一样,就按点击量,是5000元钱25000次的点击 ...
  • Cetacean Erysipelothrix rhusiopathae clinical disease incidence rate is reduced following water treatment changes in a closed artificial sea water system
    William Van Bonn, Ms. Rogers

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  • A response to Welden et al. (2023) The contributions of EAZA zoos and aquaria to peer-reviewed scientific research. Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research 8(2): 133-138
    Heather Koldewey, Sarah Christie, David Curnick, Mike Hoffmann, Nic Masters, Paul Pearce-Kelly, Lewis Roden, Ben Tapley, Andrew Terry
  • A reply to “A response to Welden et al. (2023) The contributions of EAZA zoos and aquaria to peer-reviewed scientific research. Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research 8(2): 133-138.
    Christina Hvilsom
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